Illustration of Mother Earth sitting cross-legged and holding the planet in her arms.pic courtesy by Molly Mastantuono


Hello, my name is Fran Quarm, and I’m excited to share my thoughts on feminism and ecofeminism philosophy on my webpage. As a mother of four girls, feminism is deeply important to me.

I’d like to explore the Western tradition’s signature concept, which views human existence as separate from nature and justifies the domination of the natural world. This perspective is rooted in instrumentalism, which has its foundations in Genesis 1:26-27.

Growing up, my father, a Methodist clergy, instilled in me a strong familiarity with the scriptures. Genesis 1:27 states, “So God created mankind in his image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.

In the 1940s, a new wave of environmental thinking emerged, led by deep ecology. This movement’s central figure, Aldo Leopard, argued that the natural world is an interconnected, holistic system with inherent value.

Feminism shares this holistic perspective, recognizing the intricate relationships between humans and the natural world. To bring about environmental change, we must dismantle the domination of nature and address the social and cultural structures that perpetuate it.

As social ecologist Mauray Bookchin argued, we must analyze the thinking behind instrumentalism and recognize the interconnectedness of human and natural systems. By doing so, we can work towards a more equitable and sustainable future.

I look forward to exploring these ideas further and sparking meaningful conversations about feminism, ecofeminism, and our relationship with the natural world.

One might ask what is INSTRUMENTALISM?  Instrumentalism is a philosophical concept that views the natural world, including non-human entities and the environment, as mere instruments or tools for human purposes and interests. This perspective posits that the value of nature lies in its utility and functionality for human beings, rather than having inherent value or worth.



Human-centeredness, utilitarianism, domination, and Lack of intrinsic value

Examples of instrumentalism are

Exploitation of natural resources Viewing forests as mere timber resources, or oceans as sources of fish and oil, without considering their ecological importance.

 Agricultural practices Treating land and animals solely as means to produce food, without regard for their well-being or environmental impact.

Climate change mitigation Focusing solely on technological solutions to reduce carbon emissions, without addressing the underlying values and behaviors driving environmental degradation.

Criticisms of instrumentalism include the following: Instrumentalism can lead to the exploitation and degradation of the natural world, threatening the very foundations of human existence. Prioritizing short-term human interests can compromise the long-term health and resilience of ecosystems, and Instrumentalism overlooks the inherent value and worth of non-human entities, such as animals, plants, and ecosystems.



3 Replies to “INTRODUCTION”

  1. Hello Fran,
    Thank you for sharing. It is nice to meet you.
    I appreciate your citation from Aldo Leopard, of nature/the environment as “an interconnected, holistic system with inherent value” (Quarm). The world around us is made up of complex relationships, where all organisms contribute to the overall health of the whole community, so we must remember to treat everyone/everything as such. If we don’t, we cause harm not only to ourselves, but to the entire system. I believe instrumentalism, as a concept, fails to consider: 1) how nature’s organisms work in harmony to support all life; and 2) that humans are organisms meant to provide balance: supporting other organisms as they support us, rather than all-powerful entities which other organisms serve. It is my hope that our entire world will, one day, share the perspective of indigenous peoples, that we are part of nature; nature does not belong to us (Vinal 4:21). But, in order to achieve this change in values, we need to start by encouraging those most affected (primarily Indigenous groups and other diverse people) to speak in support of nature, as they have seen the harm of intersecting oppression of people and nature. Further, when we lift voices of those who have been oppressed (women, people of color, queer people) we begin to see how the abuse they face is reflective of the abuse nature suffers. To paraphrase Bookchin, social norms which uphold “hierarchical thinking” further (and are upheld by) the oppression/destruction of nature because neither the environment, nor diverse people are seen as autonomous living entities by those with the most social power (McHenry). We know every living thing on the planet has inherent value, the challenge is encouraging people/companies/politicians, etc. to agree that nature and diverse groups matter and should be respected for the benefit of all life/people, beyond those with privilege. As we work to make changes to protect the environment, we must enact policies (and provide support) which assist(s) the people most vulnerable to harm.

    Work Cited
    McHenry, Kristen Abatsis, Dr. “Introduction: Learning Module: Environmentalism Background.” University of Massachusetts-Dartmouth, myCourses, WGS 307-7101: Ecofeminism: Philosophy & Practice – On-Line (2025 Spring CE1). n.d. Accessed 27 January 2025.
    Quarm, Fran. “Ecofeminism Philosophy: Introduction.” UMass Dartmouth WordPress. 24 January 2025, Accessed 27 January 2025.
    Vinal, Sam. “Berta Didn’t Die, She Multiplied!” Mutual Aid Media, Claudia Montesinos, Sky “Rico” Richards, Palu Abadia. n.d. Vimeo, Sam Vinal,, Accessed 27 January 2025.

  2. Hello, Fran.
    Your first blog post establishes a solid platform for researching feminism and ecofeminism by carefully combining personal experience with academic concepts. You’ve done an excellent job of explaining instrumentalism’s consequences for nature and societal structures. By highlighting the connections between deep ecology and feminism, you encourage readers to question and reassess traditional human-nature interactions. I’m looking forward to seeing how you examine these issues and promote discussions about achieving a more sustainable and equitable future.

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